Friday, November 23, 2012


Blog EntryApr 6, '12 8:17 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Apr 6, '12 8:16 PM
for everyone
bismillah asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

I thought i should share this in case any of you would desire to perfect your Quraan recitation and thus would look for a BETTER teacher to reach your goal. inshaaAllah.

There is an Error in recitation in the Egyptian Quran teachers, which many of the Quraan may have it, while others may not. but there is no way to know this unless you have knowledge of the error and you know what is the correct way to recite. but this error is with regard to recitation of the Quraan that is called Hafs. There is another type of recitation of the Quraan in which it is not considered an error. i forgot the name but you can find out if you like. inshaaAllah.

the Error is called: إمالة . Egyptian dialect is such that it is filled with imaalah, so when they recite Quraan you hear it so much. If you want to know how this imaalah sounds, ask a regular Egyptian person to recite the Quraan and you will know. i have attached for you a file that talks about this chapter of tajweed. 

how can you fix it? the remedy is إتمام الحركات - i have attached this file as well. How does each letter and vowels sounds, Master the AlQaydah AnNurahniyah here is the audio for you to hear the correct way to recite inshaaAllah. - visit the link to download the audios inshaaAllah. this audio set has high clear quality for you to hear really well. 

and as for teachers, when you look for Quraan teachers, you may only see the Egyptians, but you have to look more with ikhlas and dua and inshaaAllah Allah will give you someone other than egyptians. 

The errors of إمالة و إتمام الحركات are not noticed by all, maybe someone has been teaching Quraan for a long time and Alqaydah and anurahniyah for a long time, still have these errors. Alikhlas wad dua will save you inshaaAllah as inshaaAllah Allah will guide you to someone who can teach you correctly inshaaAllah.

may Allah bless me and you with a perfect Quraan teacher to prefect our recitation of the Quraan. Ameen.


Attachment: الامالة 16.jpg
Attachment: 15- إتمام الضم.docx

- this is a GREAT source for learning tajweed maashaaAllah. i have converted the videos to mp4 [but wmv also in it] so you can add them to itunes and take to your ipod and listen and watch inshaaAllah. main file is here: - in here without videos being mp4 as it is not my source.

ENJOY inshaaAllah. 
Blog EntryDec 1, '11 11:15 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

 منظومة المفيد فى التجويد

لشهاب الدين أحمد بن أحمد بن بدر الدين بن ابراهيم الطيبي.

task matn - pdf:
Blog EntryDec 1, '11 10:39 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

متون التجويد ……..بالصوت…..

كتبهاسعيد بانفول ، في 5 مارس 2008 الساعة: 14:53 م

الجزرية في علم التجويد
المفيد في التجويد
النظم الجامع لقراءة الإمام نافع
السر المصون في رواية قالون
المنظومة الأصبهانية
طيبة النشر في القراءات العشر
القول المألوف في صفات الحروف
الفوائد المهذبة في بيان خلف حفص من طريق الطيبة
رسالة قصر المنفصل لحفص من طريق الطيبة
بهجة اللحاظ بما لحفص من روضة الحفاظ
نونية السخاوي في علم التجويد
فتح الكريم في تحرير أوجه القرءان العظيم
الدرر اللوامع في أصل مقرأ الإمام نافع
الجوهر المكنون في رواية قالون
منظومة الشيخ عامر في القراءة بالقصر
الأرجوزة المنبهة على أسماء القراء والرواه
عزو الطرق لإمام محمد المتولي
منحة مولى البر فيما زاده كتاب النشر
القول المفيد فى رواية ورش من طريق الاصبهانى
النخبة المهذبة لما لحفص من طريق الطيبة
توضيح المقام فى الوقف على الهمز لحمزة و هشام
مقدمة رواية ورش للإمام المتولي
ناظمة الزهر في علم الفواصل
منظومة قوله تعالى آلآن بموضعي يونس
عقيلة أتراب القصائد في علوم الرسم
الفوائد المعتبرة في القراءات الأربعة
اللؤلؤ المنظوم في ذكر جملة من المرسوم
الفرائد الحسان فى عد آى القرءان
منظومة رواية شعبة عن عاصم
بهجة الأرواح فى أحكام رواية حفص من طريق المصباح
السلسبيل الشافي في تجويد القرءان
هداية الصبيان في تجويد القرءان
المنظومة الرائية للخاقاني في التجويد رد باقتباس

Blog EntrySep 19, '11 2:37 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

متن المقدمة الجزرية

( للإمام محمد بن الجزري رحمه الله )

ملف وورد


نسخة ضوئية بتحقيق الشيخ أيمن سويد 


اتحاف البرية بضبط متني التحفة والجزرية


الدقائق المحكمة في شرح المقدمة
( مخطوط )


الروضة الندية شرح متن الجزرية


فتح رب البرية في شرح المقدمة الجزرية


ملاحظة بعض الكتب يفتح بواسطة برنامج Adobe Reader
Blog EntrySep 11, '11 3:41 PM
for everyone
Bismillah asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

InshaaAllah FREE Tajweed Classes Starting

Class Subject: FREE Tajweed and Hifth Classes for SISTERS ONLY for Children and also for Adults
Cost: FREE Completely 
Day: Every single Saturday ONLY
Time # 1: from 12pm to Zuhr Salah time [For Children]
Time # 2: From after the Zuhr Salah till the Asr Salah [For Adults]
Location: Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah 109-06, Van Wyck Expwy, Queens, NY 11416
Teacher: A native Egyptian female teacher who has memorized the entire Quraan and has izajah for teaching Quraan, someone who is very patient and good mannered. Alhamdulillah.

So BENEFIT if you are able to make to the classes inshaaAllah.

Wasalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Aug 19, '11 2:17 PM
for everyone
معهد الوسطية النسائي لتعليم و تحفيظ القرءان

A message to all members of The Moderation International Quran Institute for Women 

The Quran Magazine

مجلة القرءان 

Facebook page: 
Twitter page: 

1. To educate Muslims the meaning of the Quran.

2. To increase the love & attachment of Muslim hearts to their Creator by understanding the Noble Quran.

3. To shed light on the importance of the Quran.

4. To motivate others to return to the Quran in all aspects of their life as a guidance.

5. To promote the correct understanding of the Quran amongst non muslims.

6. To remove misconceptions about the Quran.

"Oh mankind! There has come to you an Admonition from your Lord, a cure for that which is in the chests, a Guidance and Mercy for the Believers" Al-Nisa

Vist the new site for the magazine and also join the new 'Quran Magazine' page on Facebook to learn & understand the meanings of the Quran and be reminded daily by joining the twitter page for the magazine.

Please aid us to spread the words & understanding of the Quran by reading our posts frequently and forwarding it to as many contacts as you can and by pressing on the like button on the magazine to support the words of Allah so His speech can be the highest of speech and so that we can spread understanding of the Noble Quran.

Indeed it is spreading beneficial knowledge & the Quran which will benefit it us when we depart from this world and enter our second home in the grave before moving onto our third eternal home. We will take no wealth, family, nothing with us from this world except the good actions and beneficial knowledge we aid to spread and teach.

The Quran is a continuous charity for us whilst we are in our graves. So let us use the time that we have in this world to do actions which are pleasing to our Lord and serve Allah and His Messenger before death knocks on the door. Remember the home in this world is built with money but the eternal home in Paradise is built with good deeds, so let us haste to build our homes in Paradise so that we can see the face of our Lord in Paradise.

If there are any sisters that want to haste to build their home in Paradise by volunteering & helping us at 'The Quran Magazine' then please contact us. We need sisters who are able to translate from the Arabic Language to any foreign language (to translate the work of the sholars) also sisters with web-design skills; editing skills...even down to sending any ideas... or in anyway you can help..... please e-mail us

We would be very appreciative and thankful of your help and support in serving the Book
of Allah.

May Allah keep us firm to do actions which He loves and is Pleased with and grant us strength and aid upon serving Him in this world for indeed we are lost and weak without Him. May our
Lord guide us all and grant us beneficial knowledge and understanding of the Noble Quran
and dispose our affairs and the affair of the Ummah; may He the One who loves to Pardon,
Pardon us and forgive us for our sins and shortcomings indeed He is the responder of the supplication; the All-Hearing, the All-seeing.

Written by the founder of The Moderation International Quran Institute for Women & the Founder
of the Quran Magazine

Your sister in faith,

Asma Bouhaddou
Ummu Salmaan Al-Maghribiyyah
أسماء بوحدو. أم سلمان المغربية
Visit The Moderation International Quran Institute for Women at:
- Scholar of Quraan Sciences of Recitation - Dr._Ayman_sweds - biography - ايمن سويد                                                           
Blog EntryDec 28, '10 1:48 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Charts on Makharej, Sifaat, And Rules of Tajweed & Recitation                                                                 
Blog EntryDec 25, '10 5:15 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Aid to Tajweed - Parts of Mouth in Arabic & English                                                            
Blog EntryDec 25, '10 5:15 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Few Sets of MaKharej Al-Huruf Images                                                                 
Blog EntryDec 22, '10 12:28 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Sifaat alhuruf al3arabiyah                                                            
34 makharej alhuruf al3arabiyah - Correct file - added missing ones                                                                 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women <>
Date: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: New Applicants! NEXT SEMESTER STARTS:- Mon 3rd Jan 2011

Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women

A message to all members of Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women

Please forward to sisters who you know have the zeal to want to learn
the Quran and become Quran teachers also...helping us acheive our
goal by the aid of our Lord!....

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dear sisters in faith and students of the Noble Quran, -May Allah bless you-

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله  و بركاته

We have received many messages/e-mails from sisters interested in learning
under our teacher: Ummu Salmaan Al-Maghribiyyah -may Allah preserve her-.

To clarify Ummu Salmaan initially only teaches those who want to become
Quran teachers, however after noticing the great desire from sisters accross
the world wanting to master the recitations & memorisation of the Quran
and have a zeal to want to teach it, she will take on two new groups; teaching
them the explanation of the Tajweed rules, after having finishing this you
are allocated a -Qualified- teacher from Egypt who have an Ijaazah also
to correct your Quran recitation and memorise the whole Quran throughout
the whole period of your Quran course until you graduate.

(However there are selected students who will continue to study under Ummu Salmaan;
who are outstanding and fit the requirements as to produce very knowledgeable
Quran teachers to continue teaching and spreading the teachings of the Quran.)

Next Semester starts for new students:

Beginners part-time: Every Sat & Sun  10am - 1.15pm UK time. Starts Sat 1st Jan 2011

Intermediate/Advance: Mon to Fri 10am - 12pm UK time. Starts: Mon: 3rd Jan 2011

INTENSIVE: You can also study intensively.. e-mail admin on:

Join Al-Wasatiyyah's Network to be updated about your application after having applied:

Please find below link to the attachments comprising of the information you need to apply and join:

Quran Course Info
Al-Wasatiyyah Application Form
New students testimonial/experience
Old students testimonial/experience
How does learning the Quran online work?
Scholar ref for Ummu Salmaan & Al-Wasatiyyah: Shaykh Hasan Marzooq Al-Banna
Introducing Al-Wasatiyyah
Al-Wasatiyyah's Goals
Student Guidlines
Beneficial external links

After having filled the application form please e-mail it

Application Process

Al-Wasatiyyah’s registration is now open throughout the year. However, you are advised to submit your application at least two (2) weeks before the commencement of a new intake semester.

1. Complete the online application form.

2. Once your application has been viewed you will receive a confirmation and an invitation to schedule an interview via the online virtual classroom. Please ensure that you include your contact number on the application form.

Initial student placement is based on the course the student chooses.  All applicants will be invited to schedule an interview during the admissions process as well as undergo a placement test and one to one oral assessment with an instructor. Depending on the student’s level this testing can take as little as 15 minutes (as in the case of beginners) or as much as two hours (as in the case of intermediate and advanced learners). This process ensures the candidate’s aptitude for the course and to know the applicant’s commitment to study. It also enables us to allow students to enter on-going courses with fluidity and as little disruption as possible.

3. Prior to being accepted it is obligatory that we confirm your identity. Therefore as well as sending us your proof of identification to us, one of the admin staff will contact you (via e-mail) to arrange an appointment online for you to show the picture page of your original Passport (Not photocopy) via the web-camera and you will also have to show your face to verify your identity. This is to ensure everyone feels comfortable and rest assured and removes the doubt of the possibility of a male attending the class.

This is essential as all our staff and students are females and we do not accept any male applicants.

4. After the assessment you will receive a second e-mail with the results of your application. If you are accepted onto the course you will be sent a student handbook comprising of the agreement and payment procedures.

5. After payment has been received you will be sent your course materials and issued your student ID and password to access your online student account displaying your course timetable and access to all your future lessons.

6. Prior to the course starting one of the members of staff from the Technical Support department (who are all females) will provide all the students with training on how to use the virtual classroom.

Maemuna Ahmed
Admin Office
Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women

Visit Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women at:

To control which emails you receive on Al-Wasatiyyah International Quran Institute for Women, click here

أَحَسِبَ ٱلنَّاسُ أَن يُتۡرَكُوٓاْ أَن يَقُولُوٓاْ ءَامَنَّا وَهُمۡ لَا يُفۡتَنُونَ
Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: "We believe," and will not be tested
Blog EntryDec 21, '10 6:53 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
تعلم التجويد على ثلاثة مراحل

يضم برنامج حفص ثلاثة اسطوانات تشرح قواعد علم التجويد
في شكل تفاعلي بالصوت والصورة ومدعم بالتدريبات والأمثلة الوافية والاختبارات

وفيما يلي محتويات كل من الاسطوانات الثلاث

المستوى الأول
مخارج الحروف
صفات الحروف
أحكام المد والقصر
لواحق المد

المستوى الثاني
احكام اللام والراء
احكام لام ال التعريف

المستوى الثالث
أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين
أحكام الميم الساكنة
أحكام النون والميم المشددتين
المثلان والمتقاربان والمتجانسان
همزتا الوصل والقطع
السكتات في القرآن الكريم

حجم الاسطوانات الثلاث بعد فك الضغط حوالي 186MB
يمكن تحميلها من أحد الروابط التالية




Blog EntryDec 21, '10 6:21 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
مخارج الحروف

أهمية دراسة المخارج

قال ابن الجزرى :
إِذ وَاجِبٌ عَلَيـْهِمُ مُحَتـَّمُ قَبْلَ الشُّرُوعِ أَوَّلاً أَنْ يَعْلَمُوا
مَخَارِجَ الْحُرُوفِ والصِّفَاتِ لِيَلْفِظـُوا بِأَفْصَـحِ اللُّغـَاتِ

فمن أتقن مخارج الحروف والصفات نطق باللغة العربية بطريقه فصيحة وهى لغة العرب التى نزل بها القرءان ولغة سيد ولد عدنان ولسان أهل الجنة لقوله صلى الله عليه و سلم: " أحبوا العرب لثلاث : لأنىّ عَرَبِى ، والقرءان عربى ، ولِسَان أَهْل الجنَّة فى الجَنَّة عَرَبى". أخرجه الطبرانى والحاكم عن ابن عباس رضى الله عنه

س : ما تعريف المخرج ؟

· لغةً : هو محل الخروج.

· اصطلاحاً: محل خروج الحرف عند النطق به وتَمَيُّزِهِ عن غيره من الحروف.

س : ما فائدة دراسة المخارج ؟
المخارج بمثابة الموازين للحروف تعرف بها مقاديرها وتُمَيِّزُها عن بعضها.

س : كيف نحدد مخرج كل حرف؟
1- نسكن الحرف أو نشدده.
2- ندخل عليه همزة وصل سابقة له.
3- نحرك هذه الهمزة بأى حركه (فتحة أو ضمة أو كسرة).
4- ننطق الحرف على هذا النحو ونسمع الصوت فحيث ينقطع صوته يكون مخرجه 

س : كيف نحدد مخرج حروف المد ؟
* ندخل على حرف المد حرفاً مجانساً لحركته فندخل على الألف المدية حرفاً مفتوحاً [ قَا] وندخل على الواو المدية حرفاً مضموماً [ قُو] وندخل على الياء المدية حرفاً مكسوراً [قِىِ]. 

الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

المخارج العامة والخاصة للحروف

المخارج العامة
الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

أولاً : الجــــوف
هو فراغ الحلق والفم

تخرج منه حروف المد "واي"

الواو الساكنة المضموم ما قبلها
الألف الساكنة المفتـوح ما قبلها نُوحِيهَا
الياء الساكنة المكسـور ما قبلها

له مخرجاً خاصاً واحداً

ثانيا : الحلــــق

الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

له مخارج خاصة عددها 3 يخرج منها حروف عددها 6

ثالثا : اللســـان
الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

له مخارج خاصة عددها 1 تخرج منها حروف عددها 18

رابعاً :الشفتان

الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

لها مخرجان خاصان 2 يخرج منها حروف عددها 4

خامساً :الخيشـــوم

هو تجويف بأعلى الأنف
له مخرج خاص واحد 1 يخرج منه الغنة وهى صفة مركبة فى جسم ( م ، ن )

مجموع المخارج الخاصة 17 مجموع الحروف 28

جدول لمخارج الحروف العامة والخاصة وألقابها

الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

المخارج العامة والخاصة للحروف

الدرس السابع: مخارج الحروف

عدد المخارج العامة و الخاصة و الحروف
الجوف- الحلق- اللسان- الشفتان- الخيشوم = 5 مخرج عام
1 + 3 + 10 + 2 + 1 = 17 مخرج خاص
6 + 18 + 4 = 28 حرف
Blog EntryDec 21, '10 4:10 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الصور المرفقة

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