Friday, November 23, 2012


Blog EntryDec 21, '10 4:08 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته موضوع رائع وجميل عن مخارج الحروف واحكام التجويد
وأجمل مافيه إنه بالصور ..
اسأل الله أن ينفع به من مر به وبارك الله فيمن دلنا عليه وجزاه خير الجزاء ..

احكام التجويد 

بعض الاستثناءات لحفص عن عاصم

من متصفحي ..
Blog EntryNov 30, '10 4:56 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Tajweed Makarej Charts                                                            
Blog EntryNov 4, '10 6:47 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
mp3 audio - broken nurani qayda - download FREENov 4, '10 6:41 PM
for everyone

so alhamdulillah i have cut the audios into parts to make it easy for 'me' to listen and practice as i like using my mp3 [before anything else]. alhamdulillah. sharing with the world hoping someone out there will find this useful as well

and here is the link to the book:

and also the book is found here with its audio embed even small pieces - it is a flash embed so i couldn't download the audios anyway.

but you can download all flash files and use them offline if you like, just save each web page using this: click on file on the menu bar list, then click on save page as, and you save it. that's it. and after you saved the page, where you saved it, you will see a folder along with the page, and in that you will find all files & audios and pictures that is used to make that web page.

GOOD alhamdulillah.
Learn & Memorise the whole Quran online with correct recitation within 2 or 3 years! Next term: Mon 1st Nov 2010]Oct 26, '10 11:42 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 20:56:54 +0100
Subject: Learn & Memorise the whole Quran online with correct recitation within 2 or 3 years! Next term: Mon 1st Nov 2010]

Bismiallahi al-rahmaani al-raheem

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu-allahi wa barkaauth,

Due to the large amount of applicants and the great need of non Arabic Speaking Muslim Women to learn the Quran and to teach their children and local community, our teacher Ummu Salmaan has opened the doors for another two classes to produce more Quran teachers.

Part-time evening Intermediate class: 24hrs a month Starting: Mon 1st Nov 2010.

Every Mon, Fri & Sat     
8pm – 10pm Cairo time (7pm -9pm UK time)


Weekend Beginners class: 24hrs a month Starting: Sat 30th October 2010

Every Sat & Sun 3hrs a lesson, {plus 15min break added in half way through the lesson}

11.00am – .2.15pm Cairo time (10.00am-1.15pm UK time)


We are also still interviewing applicants for the 'Intermediate course' due to start Monday
25th October 2010 becasue we are looking for applicants who truly have a great love for
the Quran and a goal to teach it and are serious about seeking Islamic knowledge hence
helping us to fulfill our goal of spreading the knowledge of the Quran amongst non
Arabic speaking Muslim Women and children residing in the West.

Course structure:

Phase One: (Explanation of the Knowledge of Makhaarij & Sifaat & practicing to implement correctly)

Phase Two: (Explanation of remaining Tajweed rules with implementation)

Phase Three: (Correction of recitation of Juz 28, 29, 30 with memorisation)

Phase Four: (Correction of Quran recitation with memorisation from Juz 1 to end of 27.

Phase Five: Final: Authentic Ijaazah in the recitation of Hafs upon Aasim; being recorded on a Quran chain

transmitted to the Messenger peace be upon him. By private lessons; student will go over the

Quran memorisation until it is firm in the heart and reciting by heart upon our other teacher’s

who have Authentic Quran chain to transmit to others.

Please find attached a manual on how does learning the Quran online work.

To apply:

Please fill in the attached 'Quran Application form' if you are unable to open it due

to not having the latest word document, then please find the form below and e-mail

it to

From the admin sisters at Al-Wasatiyyah Online Quran Institute.

Assalaamu alaikum


Quran Application Form


Mobile/Home telephone no:

First Name:


Year of Birth:

Maritual Status:

No of children:

Your Status: (House wife, studying, etc)

Ethnic Group:

Residing Country:

Residing City:

Any disabilities or learning difficulties that we should be aware of:

Any information you feel that we should know in regards to your Qur’anic studies:

Q: Have you studied Tajweed/Quran before and where?


Q: Please mention any organisations you have attended and classes, private lessons, in a group, anywhere at all, even Quran or Arabic lessons you attended as a chid:


Q: Please mention any Tajweed books you have studied from:


Q: How many parts of the Quran have you memorised? (If only one juz please list the actual surahs’)


Q: How fluent do you think you can recite the Quran?


Q: Where do you believe you find difficulty readingf fluently?


Q: How often do you read the Quran?


Q: Please mention the names of the Quran recitors which you often listen to?


Q: Why do you want to learn the Quran?


Q: Have you studied Classical Arabic Language before and where and what books?


Q: Up to what level do you wish to study the Qur'an?


Q: Have you learnt Islamic Studies or currently trying to learn?


Q: Please list at least 8 Islamic schoalrs in our time and students of knowledge and Islamic callers you listen to and benefit from?










Q: Please list at least 6 Islamic websites you use for reference to aid you to learn about Islam and frequently visit?








Q: Please list at least 6 Islamic books have you read or had a looked at?







Blog EntryOct 17, '10 9:42 AM
by Nasrin for everyone

Blog EntryOct 17, '10 9:41 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Blog EntryJul 27, '10 10:05 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Blog EntryJun 15, '10 11:07 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Blog EntryJun 15, '10 11:06 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Ar Aljazareyah Introduction                                                                 
Blog EntryJun 15, '10 9:22 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Tajweed Poem - Tuhfatul Atfal                                                                 
Blog EntryMay 29, '10 10:24 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
this is another tajweed teacher: mo7ebatalquraan [skype ID] - very good sister and very willing to teach anyone ask to learn. she is from egypt and in egypt, speak english good, alhamdulillah.

This  sister give classes online for sisters for FREE - the 2nd teacher doesn't speak English, classes in arabic. she is giving aljaromiyah classes and tajweed classes

Blog EntryMay 24, '10 8:04 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
see pictures of the album here - BIG
Attachment: Picture2.jpg
Attachment: 7roof.jpg
Blog EntryMay 5, '10 7:40 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Blog EntryMay 5, '10 7:34 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Attachment: 11111111.exe
Blog EntryMar 7, '10 3:02 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

The Way to Memorize the Qur’aan

Ash-Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz was asked:
“Direct me to the way which will assist me in memorizing the Book of Allah.”
So he responded by saying: ” We strongly advise you to take great concern in memorizing and being deligent upon that. We also advise you to choose the most appropriate times for memorizing, such as the end of the night, after salat Al-Fajr, or the middle of the night, or any other time where you are relaxed and will be able to memorize. Also, we advise you to have a pious companion who will help to support and assist you with memorizing and reviewing, along with asking Allah for success and aid, hoping and desiring that he will aid you, give you success, and protect you from obstacles and boundaries that prevent you from reaching your goal. So whoever truthfully seeks aid from Allah, Allah will aid him and make his affair easy.” -Translated 5/31/2009 by Team RiMarket
ReviewReviewReviewReviewReviewالتجويد الميسر - The Easy TajweedApr 18, '09 8:51 PM
for everyone
Genre:Religion & Spirituality
Author:ابي عاصم عبد العزيز القارىء -
Mash-Allah it is a beautiful, beautiful book, very easy, and i mean real easy to read. mash-Allah. our noble sister Umm kutubah sent me the book as gift long time ago, it was after the Eid, Eid of Ramadan i think, forgot the exact time.

She gave me this book and another book of Grammar, Tuhfatus Suniyah. May Allah generously reward her for her sweet gifts. Alhamdulillah.

The book is by the teacher who teaches in Madinah university, mash-Allah. It has rules of tajweed and letters and makraz and beautiful advises. I was reading and learned much alhamdulillah.

Let me share one thing with you, i never knew this before or understood it.
The Qur'an was grouped in the time of the prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam to seven groups and they are as follow:

The first group: surah Fatiha, al-Baqara, Aal 'Imraan and An-Nisa
The second group: from Surah al-maaedah to surah at-tawbah
The third group: from surah Yunus to Surah an-Nahl
The forth group: from sura al-Israa to surah al-Furqaan
The fifth group: from surah as-Shu'araa to surah Yaseen
The sixth group: from surah as-Saaffaat to surah al-Hujurat
The seveth grouop: from surah al-Qaaf to the end of the Qur'an, and it is called: The group of Muffaassil

and some of them gathered them in his saying, فَمِي بِشَوْقٍ - - Famee BiShaQen [it is the first letter of first surah of each group]

and after that The Qur'an was divided into thirty parts, and Every part was divided into two parts, so the Qur'an became divided into sixty groups.


Insha-Allah this is enough for now. Excuse my mistakes in translation. Insha-Allah buy the book and benefit.

Please make dua for me that i get to learn Tajweed, i am talking to a lady who has Ijaza in tajweed and she is really good, I just hope Allah makes it easy in every way, Indeed He is Ar-Rajjaq walMu'atee.



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